  • VoIP systems

    "InfoWorld tests upwards of 200 IT products every year, and we see many, many good ones," said Doug Dineley, InfoWorld's Test Center executive editor. "Our Technology of the Year award winners represent not only the cream of the crop, but the best products in the most important product categories. From the top AJAX development tools and SOA middleware to the best blade servers and VoIP systems, these are the products at the leading edge of IT."
    Mark Spencer, creator of Asterisk and Digium's chief technology officer, commented: "The InfoWorld Technology of the Year 2008 award is an enormous acknowledgement of the work and success of the worldwide Asterisk community. Asterisk wouldn't be in a position to rival some of the biggest vendors of proprietary voice technology today if it weren't for the inherent strength of open source and dedication of the community of developers."


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